My sister just updated her blog how her kids do not have a TV at their place (Read it here). Seems to me the perfect time to mention about the TV habits of me and my kid!
As far as what we watch goes, we might as well be watching static, for all she cares. She doesn't care if Bugs Bunny is arguing with Daffy Duck, if Superman has saved Metropolis, if Simon is leaving American Idol or anything. What does matter is that there should be some music, some bright lights, and either or both of us sitting next to her.
Take this weekend for example. I generally don't watch movies on TV, as the advertisements make it a torture to sit through a movie. However, while channel surfing, I noticed that a Harrison Ford movie had just started, and I thought I would watch it (luxuries of weekends!). I stretched my legs on the sofa and put Jenny between my legs so she would not topple over. She has just started sitting. She cannot yet get to the sitting position on her own, but if we help her to sit, she can maintain the position.
I don't know if she swooned by watching Ford in a romantic role or what, but madam suddenly laid back, and looked at my face. I started stroking her chubby cheeks, and she laid like that for what seemed the entire stretch of the movie! Who cares what happened on TV: this was a unique experience...a true father-daughter moment. And she didn't fall asleep; on the contrary: she just kept looking. :)
So, I will obviously not (yet) be an advocate of not having televisions at home! Without a TV, I would most surely have missed this wonderful experience. Restrictions on watching TV and vices of watching TV and the impact of TV on a household are topics that would surely come up later. Right now, I am enjoying a benefit that I am sure Mr. Philo T. Farnsworth (inventor of television...thank you Google!) did not foresee. :)
Was she watching you upside down? Maybe that was interesting for her.... :-)