Yesterday, I had a very interesting discussion with a friend concerning 'anthropocentric theology'. I know it looks quite complicated, but actually the concept per se is quite simple. The inclusion of the term 'theology' in this would mean that it is a belief system. It does not necessarily presume a divine deity or the concept of just means that it is a belief system to which people adhere.
Anthropocentrism: a concept that human beings may regard themselves as the central and most significant entities in the universe, or that they assess reality through an exclusively human perspective (source: Wikipedia). Therefore, anthropocentric theology is a system of faith or belief where humanity considers itself to be the focal point of creation, superior to everything else and master of all. Humankind is meant to rule the earth and everything exists for man's convenience.
Being a Christian, by default I adhere to an extend to this theory. Our belief teaches us that man has been created in God's image and that man is responsible for the earth. He may hunt, he may cultivate but he has to take care of everything. He has been put on this earth by God to take care of His creation. This much is a given.
Let's put the faith aspect aside. Man does seem to be the most rational of all creations. He seems to be the most creative one as well. Man observes, studies, learns and adapts...much better and deeper than any other creation on the planet. And all that is fine. Man has not been gifted with abilities to let them remain dormant or allowing them to dry out. In fact, I personally would consider it to be a sin if someone let's their talents and abilities go waste.
But that's where I draw the line. To quote what is most likely the most famous of all comic strip lines, "With great power comes great responsibility". Ideally, there should not be any poverty on the planet. Ideally, people should not have to die of hunger and cold. Ideally, there should not be disparity in wealth and ownership. Ideally, there should not be crime. Yet, it is surely clear to all of us that this is not an ideal existence.
If I had a gardener and if I were to see my garden overgrown with weeds, with dried up plants, without proper care being taken, I would dismiss him right away for not doing his duty. If I had a babysitter, and would find her sleeping while on duty, or engrossed in her own work, or mistreating the child, what would I do? If I would buy the most expensive of ingredients and give them to my cook, only to find him spoiling them all by deep-frying them, what would I do? And more importantly, why do would I act in such a harsh way towards the gardener, babysitter, cook or anyone like this? What is it that would enrage me so much? Human error I can forgive...lack of knowledge or awareness as well. But lack of responsibility and a break of trust is not something I can bear. I entrust the well-being of my child to the babysitter. I hold the cook responsible to use the ingredients well. And so on. When we entrust people with certain duties, we hold them accountable for it.
Why should humanity as a whole be seen any different? If human beings have been put on this planet in order to live meaningful lives, all the while taking care of what is around us, are we doing our duty? Let's have a look at facts, shall we?
- How many species of flora and fauna have we driven into extinction or to the brink?
- Haven't we almost completely exhausted natural resources?
- Haven't we polluted everything around us (air, water, environment) to the point where things have gone out of control? (You may read the blog: on this topic)
- Aren't we living our lives without any consideration how our lives will impact that of our children?
- Aren't we distancing ourselves from our fellow beings so much that people are becoming more and more isolated and more and more withdrawn to their own lives?
These are just some points to ponder over. If we were to be evaluated on our performances on this planet as its caretakers, we would do miserably. How can we call ourselves the pinnacle of evolution, the crown of creation, the master of all, when all we know is how to spoil, destroy and endanger? It is a sad state of affairs. And my friend, with whom I was having this discussion, is of the strong opinion that things have gone too far to tread lightly or slowly now. Drastic steps need to be taken. Major changes have to be embraced. If not, I am quite sure, we ourselves will see very bad days to come before we even pass on the reigns to our kids.