Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And it's time to rumble!

All good things come in small packages...it's an age-old saying.  No argument with the wisdom behind it.  Even if one ignores the etymology of the statement and just focuses on the world around us, this statement holds true.  Computers have shrunk to become laptops...phones have become cell phones...cars have become compact...television sets have become slimmer...people equate beauty with being slim...and so on.  Small is something people prefer.  And it is not that smaller implies a compromise in performance.  I guess there is no doubt how much faster and efficient things are nowadays (please interpret this sentence in context!).

Therefore, it should not have come as a surprise to me how physically strong Jennifer is.  I mean, she is really strong.  And I am not just saying it.  She is!  We have often wondered where she was getting her strength from.  When she holds on to something, the grip is firm.  When she throws something, it lands across the room.  When she hits the spoon away from her mouth, the food ends up decorating the wall.  When she squirms when being held, you better put her down.  I have seen her rattling solid plastic chairs even before she could crawl.  She could pull herself to her feet even before she could sit....in short: the lady has strong arms!

However, people need signs in order to realise the extend of the truth.  For example, we always hear how people are able to accomplish seemingly impossible feats only by believing in themselves.  However, once we encounter someone who has overcome (for example) a physical handicap in order to achieve something brilliant, we get astounded.  It is much grander when we see things with our own eyes.  I guess that's why people love going for live concerts and matches...the charm is different.

Which brings me to an episode that happened in our household yesterday.  My sister-in-law was sitting on the floor with Jenny in her hands.  Suddenly, Jennifer grabbed aunty's hair with both her hands and wrestled her to the floor.  We heard the commotion in the living room and by the time we reached the room, Jenny was almost sitting on aunty's face in a grand display of victory, making all kinds of 'GAAAAAA' sounds!  It reminded me of Tarzan making his victorious shout after having wrestled with a gorilla!  But on a serious note: I am not kidding.  The kid can wrestle!  And mind you: the legs are still only ornamental. :)

One can only imagine what this kid's future habits will be...Indian Idol?  Top Chef?  WWF wrestler?  Who can say... :)

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