Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I wonder how...

I don't know how she does it, 
  • but when daughter sees us getting ready to take her snap, she smiles.
  • but when we ask her for a kiss, she puts her lips to our cheeks.
  • but when we talk about her (even indirectly), she looks up.
  • but when we talk about the funny things she does, she smiles.
  • but when we take out anything edible, she looks and salivates.
  • but when she sees my slippers, she knows they are not to be put into the mouth!!! (clever girl!)
  • but when she sees the pen-drive plugged in, that she has to pull it out and not wiggle it back and forth.
  • but when she holds a doll, she talks to it.
  • but when advertisements come on TV, she watches those instead of the program.
I don't know how she does it.  But she does it anyways, and it amazes us no end.  :).  Yet another one of life's mysteries courtesy Jennifer!

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaa she is so nice nw....nw am enjoying taking care of her so muchhhh....she is sooo cute..
