Monday, June 21, 2010

Evolution: Crawl...kneel...stand!

If I look back at the last 7 months of my daughters life, a lot of change has happened.  I mean if one considers that she came into existence, adapted to life outside the womb, got used to food, learned our habits, learned how to make sounds other than screams and cries, turned from back to stomach and the other way around, and recently learned how to crawl....all these are considerable achievements!

However, the kind of growth that we have witnessed during the last two weeks were phenomenal, to say the least!  It is this month that Jenny started crawling (military style).  Over the last weekend, she learned how to use her knees to crawl better.  Now, for any other person, one would think that one achievement over one weekend is more than sufficient...but no: madam has to push herself further!  The day she managed to balance herself on her hands and feet, she immediately tried to pull herself to a standing position.  She seems to have very little interest in moving around on her knees.  As if crawling is for 'lesser beings'!  She has to catch hold of anything that seems capable of holding her weight and pull herself up!  

It is actually quite interesting to watch...from the crawling position, she manages to get into a kneeling position, and remains like that for sometime.  Once she is sure that she is stable there, she again holds on to a steady object and pulls herself up...and that is the fun part to watch.  In Germany, there is a dish called 'Wackelpudding'.  It actually is a pudding made out of jelly.  Once it is placed on a platter, it will keep shaking and shivering (anyone who has seen Ton & Jerry cartoons knows what I mean).  Jenny standing is actually the human depiction of a Wackelpudding.  Once she is on her feet (all the while holding on to something!), she just shakes and totters and moves...she cannot stand still at all.  And she is too excited to do so.  

I wonder how long it will take till she can stand on her own.  Taking into consideration her dedication and spirit to stand before mastering crawling, I guess we will be witnessing some very interesting scenes in the weeks to come, not counting the innumerable falls and bumps she is going to collect. But that's the price she seems willing to pay in order to develop faster.  God bless her! 


  1. Now she is falling down also...when she cry what will i do...ur correct when she stand she is same as Jelly in a plate

  2. She paid a visit to our humble abode yesterday and we were witness to all the antics mentioned above.
    and I am quite sure your daughter will be walking very time soon.

  3. Looks like little lady can't wait to have you both running behind her!
