- I have mentioned it quite a few times by now that Jennifer loves music. It's no secret. Once the music starts playing, and especially if it is a fast number with beats, she sits up and starts moving to the music. Yesterday, I have witnessed her clapping her hands as well! And that, too, properly. Without making any clapping sound! But she was 'rocking' and 'clapping' nevertheless along with the music.
- Baby's verbal communication so far has been a wide range of shrieks, screams, gaaaa's and goooo's. But she still manages to get her message across. However, now she has started using her tongue as well. She now rounds her tongue and tries to make sounds, converting the gaaaa's into baaaa's and the goooo's into boooo's. Might sound silly, but it actually looks as if she is getting ready to say her first word sooner rather than later. :)
- She is becoming very adept at crawling. However, like I mentioned before, she is not satisfied with that. The day she started crawling, she tried sitting. Once she mastered sitting, she started trying to stand up. Now that she knows how to pull herself to a standing position, her next aim is to climb stairs. And she tries hard. Whenever she comes near stairs (that go up!), she puts her hands on the next step, stands up but so far has not managed to life her feet, too! Only a matter of time.
- She likes to have her "teeth" "brushed"! Only problem is that she doesn't have any yet! But in the morning, once she is awake, I take her to the sink, and rub her gums...she loves it! And she likes brushing in general. When my wife and I brush our teeth, Jenny just stares and doesn't move! She is just mesmerised by the whole 'brushing' act! I hope she stays this enthusiastic ones she has to do it herself.
I guess these updates shall do for today. Incidentally, she completes 8 months today. Let's see what more developments we can add to the list this time next month when she completes 9!
Ya now a lot of changes....now she kiss u and me and also able to show her affection to us...I love that so much...am enjoying my motherhood so much