I realise it has been a couple of days since I have blogged...it's just that things were slightly more hectic than usual, and I couldn't find the right rhythm to sit down and pen something. Today seems to be relatively calm again so that I can write something about Jennifer again.
Music has a special hold over people. In my limited knowledge, I guess most cultures always have and still do appreciate music in one way or the other. Music seems to have evolved along with humankind. And it is very specific, too. What appeals to one person or one people does not necessarily (and usually doesn't) appeal to others. And it is not only listening that is universal; people love singing, too. I know not everyone will agree, but I am almost sure that no person on the planet has ever lived his/her life without at least humming or whistling. People sing openly or when they are alone or they sing along, others hum, others whistle, others play instruments, others tap their feet, others dance, still others just clap...but everyone can show the influence of music in their lives. And to my big surprise, age isn't a factor either.
My li'l girl rocks her feet, keeps 'count' with her hand on the table and moves her full body when music is playing in the house. We have music in our place almost the entire day....from the moment everyone is awake, till the first ones of us go to bed, music almost plays constantly in our household. And it is not any particular genre either...we have Bach to Yanni, Britney Spears to Rammstein, soundtracks to techno and so on playing on eternal shuffle. My child gets to hear plenty...and I am sure listening to music and appreciating it is always a good habit. For example, you should see her face light up when I start whistling! She just loves it.

I don't know what the reason is, but I am sure almost everyone starts singing or humming while they take a shower...or when they are in the bathroom. It is almost a universal principle. My personal opinion is that the acoustics sound better since the room is smaller and echo exists. Everyone's sound sounds better there...though not necessarily to people outside!
My daughter is no different. The moment she enters the bathroom, her vocal cords let go! She starts ooo-ing and aaa-ing and god knows how to write the other sounds! And that at the top of her voice, though with a slight bass to it. :) I mean it is not shrieking; it still sounds as if she is in control of her voice. And she can keep it up as long as she is in the room. It truly is amazing. I mean by now, I am sure our neighbours know how to identify if it is bathing time for Jenny Baby. It is so much fun to see the immediate transformation of a relatively quiet child into someone who could be the next Indian Idol Junior! I am just kidding, of course. I am just happy to see my child growing up happily and healthy; and I am trying to be as nurturing as possible for her to reach her potential. Be it as a singer or not!!!
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